Best Jobs 2014 US News


Software Developer

(Rate: 4.0 out of 5)

Blame a software developer for your once insatiable need to play Flappy Bird or your dependency on your Samsung Galaxy phone. These professionals usually fall into two camps: There are the application developers, who design computer software and databases, then there are the systems-focused developers, who build operating systems, such as Linux or iOS. Growth for both types should balloon: The Labor Department predicts there will be nearly 140,000 brand new positions created before 2022.

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The best Jobs 2014 ,usa (Careercast)


Every year since 1988, the Jobs Rated report has measured different careers through a variety of metrics. Understanding the challenges and rewards of a career is especially important given how vested we are in our work life.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates the average American employee spends more than two-thirds of his or her day at work or on work-related activities.
Of course, much can change in the rankings of our Jobs Rated report over 26 years. Consider publication editor. Just 12 years ago, it ranked No. 31 overall. It checks in at 139 in this year’s Jobs Rated report.
Technology has a profound impact on the demand, compensation and environment of a job. It’s also a career path all its own—and a rewarding one, as evident by the ranking of IT jobs in the 2014 Jobs Rated report.
Cultural shifts are also crucial to the job market. The institution of the Affordable Care Act and an aging Baby Boom generation contribute to growing demand in the healthcare field, and that is reflected in the favorable ranking of many jobs in the industry.
The findings we present here are more than just curiosities. Unlike many other facets of life, the jobs we work at are choices we make – ones we can stick with or change. Therefore, the “measure” of a job can tell us a lot about the quality of our lives.
No two work experiences are guaranteed to be alike, and different career paths cater to unique skills and interests. Ultimately, only you can determine the best job for your abilities and passions. However, the Jobs Rated report exists as a road map that will you determine the career field that is right for you.

H μεθοδολογία της έρευνας εδώ.
“Για την ποσοτικοποίηση των πολλών πτυχών των 200 θέσεων εργασίας που περιλαμβάνονται στην έκθεσή μας, καθορίζεται και επανεξετάζεται ένα ευρύ φάσμα των κρίσιμων πτυχών και κατηγοριοποιούνται τους σε τέσσερα «βασικά κριτήρια» -δηλαδή, τις γενικές κατηγορίες που είναι εγγενείς σε κάθε θέση εργασίας. Πρόκειται για το περιβάλλον, το εισόδημα, τις προοπτικές και το άγχος.”
